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Luxardo Del Santo Herbal Liquer
Luxardo Del Santo Herbal Liqueur is a balanced blend infusion of various herbs and roots such as achillea moscata, mace, galanga, cinnamon, carnation, aromatic calamus and many others.<br />
40% View All LuxardoLuxardo Del Santo Herbal Liqueur is a balanced blend infusion of various herbs and roots such as achillea moscata, mace, galanga, cinnamon, carnation, aromatic calamus and many others.<br />
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This Product

The bittersweet taste and spicy notes make this liqueur a brilliant ingredient to be mixed in cocktails, however it can also be enjoyed neat or over ice as an after-dinner drink.<br />
Luxardo Del Santo Herbal Liqueur is a balanced blend infusion of various herbs and roots such as achillea moscata, mace, galanga, cinnamon, carnation, aromatic calamus and many others. </p> <p>The closest tasting comp to Chartreuse on the market made by a heritage Italian liqueur brand that can be swapped into any cocktails seamlessly.<br />